T-RECs.ai is a marketplace for RECs trading. RECs Sellers (Renewable Asset Owners) will market their RECs (bid price) for sale in our platform. Interested RECs buyers may select their desired RECs amongst the listed assets and place an offer to buy. The transaction is completed by writing the entire record into the public Block-Chain for verification. T-RECs.ai provides a TRUSTED end-to-end service for our clients, from buyers-sellers matching to RECs registration/retirement to final post-sale ownership verification and fraud prevention.

  • All RECs information are stored in a public block chain to ensure immutability & also allow public scrutiny on all renewable claims.
  • Our Artificial Intelligence engine crawls social media network and public websites to check for potential unqualified claims to protect rightful/legal owners of RECs.
  • To ensure temper-free data, T-RECs smart meter encrypts all energy production data with private key and send them into the blockchain directly.