Most buildings faces power supply limitation when they need to install EV chargers. Our product utilises shadow power which avoids the upgrade in power infrastructure and our solution overcomes the major overloading issue in almost all the known smart charging solutions.

Under the Singapore Green Plan 2030 (SGP30), Singapore has announced a comprehensive Electric Vehicle (EV) Roadmap to push for mass EV adoption. Besides introducing a series of tax incentives for EV adoption, a target of 60,000 EV charging points is also set to achieve by 2030. The government is working closely with the private sectors to rollout 40,000 charging points in public carparks and 20,000 charging points in private premises. The target is derived from a ratio of 1:5 (Chargers: EV cars). A Request-for-Information (RFI) is currently in progress to prepare for the upcoming tender for the award of the 60,000 EV chargers’ rollout.

In addition, Singapore aims to phase out Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and have all vehicles run on cleaner energy by 2040. With the phasing out of ICE cars in the near future, EV population will eventually out-number ICE cars. The number of EV chargers will grow in tandem and likely to cross the 60,000 target. In future, majority of the car park lots must support EV charging.

Most buildings and premises cannot support large-scale deployment of EV chargers. Besides space constraint, network capacity is a major limitation. Upgrading of network infrastructure is expensive and long drawn. Furthermore, it is unclear which party (government, utility, EVSE operator, property owner or EVSE users) should bear the upgrade cost due to EVSE deployments.

The concept of power system neutral smart charging provides a solution to overcome the network constraint. However, conventional smart charging solutions fell short when the number of EVSEs grow too large, as most do not have the dynamic monitoring and balancing capability that can securely cap the building load to the pre-EV installation peak. Another issue lies in the overshoot and uncertain harmonic behaviour of on-board chargers which pose risk and power quality issue to power network.

The Company (Glorybene) has developed and put in real-life use an intelligent EV charging system based on their experience in smart lighting. The new solution has demonstrated its effectiveness in dynamic monitoring and allocating of excess capacity to a sizable number of EVSEs plus means to detect mis-behaving on-board charger. Together with NTU’s innovation, the Integrated system provides a holistic solution to enable any building or premise to support substantial number of EVSEs to the Singapore utility class reliability and dependence, even without any upgrade of network capacity.

With the anticipated growth of EV population in most cities, there is a huge commercial potential for this new power system neutral smart charging system. Both parties have the intention to collaborate and pursue this opportunity and test case in Singapore.