Apr272022NTU Singapore, Bureau Veritas and Vinssen to develop hydrogen fuelled vessels

NTU Singapore, Bureau Veritas and Vinssen to develop hydrogen fuelled vessels

Bureau Veritas (BV), Vinssen Co. Ltd (Vinssen) and the EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy (EcoLabs) at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with plans to demonstrate commercialisation of eco-friendly marine propulsion system technology and products in Singapore and Korea.

Mar142022How Governments Support Clean Energy Start-ups

How Governments Support Clean Energy Start-ups

How Governments Support Clean Energy Start-Ups highlights and unpacks government initiatives that help entrepreneurs get new clean energy technologies to the market, and offers recommendations to inspire innovation policy for net zero emissions. 

Jan152022Triple-Helix: Achieving ASEAN’s Energy Transition

Triple-Helix: Achieving ASEAN’s Energy Transition

As the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) aims to create a single market integration in Southeast Asia, rising energy demand arising from rapid economic growth will need to be addressed.

According to the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook, ASEAN’s energy demand will increase substantially by 146 percent by 2040. Aside from energy security issues, the aftermath of this rising energy demand is the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, potentially reaching 4,171 Mt CO2-eq in 2040. Therefore, it is a significant concern for the region to sustain the rising energy demand, especially concerning the vulnerability due to the climate change impact in the area.

Dec222021Centres of Innovation provide tech solutions and R&D support for firms

Centres of Innovation provide tech solutions and R&D support for firms

'There are opportunities for Singapore to be a global leader in platform technologies for energy management,' says Mahesh Kumar, programme director at the NTU EcoLabs COI for Energy

Nov182021Greentech Challenge Microsoft

Greentech Challenge Microsoft

Singapore GreenTech Challenge by Microsoft to rally community effort and accelerate progress on the Singapore Green Plan

Sep212021EcoLabs-on Carbon credits/sustainability

EcoLabs-on Carbon credits/sustainability

The Republic is scaling up its efforts to develop an international carbon trading marketplace and a services ecosystem to support decarbonisation, Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry

Sep202021Singapore to develop carbon credit trading marketplace

Singapore to develop carbon credit trading marketplace

The Republic is scaling up its efforts to develop an international carbon trading marketplace and a services ecosystem to support decarbonisation, Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry

Sep152021Low Carbon Technology Translation

Low Carbon Technology Translation

EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy and Ara Ake, New Zealand’s new energy centre, based in Taranaki have signed a partnership to facilitate the deployment of energy innovation demonstration ‘testbeds’ in Aotearoa.

Aug272021Energy innovation demonstration ‘testbeds’ in Aotearoa

Energy innovation demonstration ‘testbeds’ in Aotearoa

Ara Ake and Singapore-based EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy partner to facilitate the deployment of energy innovation demonstration ‘testbeds’ in Aotearoa

Aug062021Singapore to develop high-powered fast-charging plaza for Evs

Singapore to develop high-powered fast-charging plaza for Evs

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and tech start-up Ecotech Mobility have announced plans to develop a high-power density charge and converter system for electric vehicles which will be piloted in a first-of-its-kind “High Power Energy Plaza”.

Aug022021Pilot project to develop high-powered fast-charging plaza for electric vehicles

Pilot project to develop high-powered fast-charging plaza for electric vehicles

With Singapore’s plans to switch its entire fleet of buses – numbering around 5,800 now – to electric and hybrid buses by 2040, fast charging systems that can cater to high power output – over a few hundred times higher than those required by electric cars – will be required.

Jul212021EMA-Shell Partnership

EMA-Shell Partnership

EMA and Shell Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding at EMA's Energy Innovation 2019 event to nurture local startups. This would help them build capabilities in areas such as renewable energy, distributed power generation, and Energy Storage Systems (ESS). The partnership was renewed in 2021.

Jul172021녹지 개발에서 그린 쉼터 조성 등 친환경 정부와 녹색 경제 선언

녹지 개발에서 그린 쉼터 조성 등 친환경 정부와 녹색 경제 선언

싱가포르 정부가 ‘그린플랜 2030(Green Plan 2030)'을 발표했다.
‘정원 안에 도시’라는 목표를 내세운 이 정책은 ‘정원의 도시’를 업그레이드 한 정책으로 나무 심기 캠페인은 물론, 녹지 공간 개발 프로그램과 다양한 방식의 프로젝트 추진을 통해 그린 쉼터 조싱 등이 포함되어 있다.
그린플랜 2030을 통해 싱가포르는 친환경 정부(Green Government), 자연 도시(City in Nature), 지속 가능한 생활(Sustainable Living), 에너지 재설정(Energy Reset), 녹색 경제(Green Economy), 탄력적인 미래(Resilient Future) 등 크게 6가지 세부 목표를 세웠다.

Jun112021CapitaLand unveils S$50 million innovation fund and crowns winners of first CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge

CapitaLand unveils S$50 million innovation fund and crowns winners of first CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge

CapitaLand has set up a S$50 million CapitaLand Innovation Fund to support the testbedding of sustainability and other high-tech innovations in the built environment space as the Group steps up its sustainability drive.

May102021EcoLabs in Singapore Parliamentary Session on RIE 2025

EcoLabs in Singapore Parliamentary Session on RIE 2025

Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (a) what are the plans to promote homegrown innovation under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Plan 2025 so as to attract companies to anchor their R&D activities in Singapore to develop new sustainability solutions; and (b) what has been the progress thus far.

Feb102021Clean energy competition for the most extraordinary innovators across the world in the clean energy sector

Clean energy competition for the most extraordinary innovators across the world in the clean energy sector

A global startup challenge for all startups and organizations in the clean energy sector.

Feb092021'Fuel the Future' Startup Challenge Launches to Encourage Clean Energy Innovation Across the Globe

'Fuel the Future' Startup Challenge Launches to Encourage Clean Energy Innovation Across the Globe

Clean energy startup challenge for any startup in the world. This would include any seed to Series B stage startup or nonprofit organization in the clean and sustainable energy space.

Jan202021Start-up commercialises AI algorithm that can detect leaks instantly in gas pipeline networks

Start-up commercialises AI algorithm that can detect leaks instantly in gas pipeline networks

A new sensor network powered by an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm developed by scientists from NTU Singapore can now accurately detect, in real-time, gas leaks and unwanted water seepage into gas pipeline networks.

Nov192020Next Generation Civilization Kit 2.0 - Shea’s Parametric Ideation Competition 2020

Next Generation Civilization Kit 2.0 - Shea’s Parametric Ideation Competition 2020

Call for Ideas: Parametric Design Competition

Aug122020NTU Ecolabs in initiative to develop alternative bunker fuels, sustainable shipping tech

NTU Ecolabs in initiative to develop alternative bunker fuels, sustainable shipping tech

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) in late July launched a new multi-million maritime technology scale-up initiative led by NTU EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy (EcoLabs) to help the maritime industry reduce carbon emissions, and tech firms can receive a boost during this COVID-19 recession.

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